As reported in the New York Times, an investigation into prosecutor misconduct during the 2008 trial of Ted Stevens found that the Department of Justice intentionally and illegally concealed evidence that would have helped Stevens in his defense. However, the investigator, an apologist for corruption named Henry F. Schuelke, recommended against prosecuting any of the officials involved for contempt of court because the trial judge had not specifically ordered them to obey the law by turning over all of their evidence to the defense.
As unbelievable as that sounds – I had to read it twice – Schuelke actually makes the argument that federal prosecutors shouldn’t be held accountable for breaking the law unless they were specifically told by the judge not to. I’m beginning to see why the DOJ also apparently didn’t see anything wrong with helping to smuggle guns to Mexican criminals. It looks very much like the DOJ has been infected with a massive case of Thin Blue Line Syndrome: the belief that, since they’re on the side of good, anything whatsoever that they do is justified.