Yesterday my wife and I went out to a restaurant we both like for brunch. As I pulled in to park, I noticed that the car next to us, which had also just arrived, had the license plate: ENT CV6. An older couple was getting out, and I asked the gentleman if he had served aboard the USS Enterprise. He confirmed that he had, and we talked for a few minutes before going inside. I mentioned that my wife’s grandfather had been the supply officer aboard the USS Hornet, and the man told us he had watched the Doolittle Raid taking off.

A little later, while we were eating, he handed me a printed card with his name and dates of service, along with some basic facts about the history of the ship. The fact that he had such a card ready to give out, as well as the license plate, give an indication of how proud this man was to have served. Rightly so, in my opinion. I won’t post the man’s name here, out of respect for his privacy, but I am very glad that I had the opportunity to meet him.

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